A look at proto-coolness in the time of wigs, stockings, and lace.
People who are "famous for being famous" almost always have boring life stories, imo. But Beau Brummel is actually pretty fascinating. Behind The Bastards did a couple of episodes on him that are worth a listen.
I listen to this podcast often, and it may have been where I first started learning about Mr. Brummell. Thanks!
We still use the phrase …..jim dandy to describe a fellow
I had forgotten about that term. I couldn’t help but look it up: https://www.etymonline.com/word/jim-dandy
jim-dandy (n.)
"remarkable person or thing," 1844
I seem to remember the phrase “that’s just dandy” as a sarcastic comment.
People who are "famous for being famous" almost always have boring life stories, imo. But Beau Brummel is actually pretty fascinating. Behind The Bastards did a couple of episodes on him that are worth a listen.
I listen to this podcast often, and it may have been where I first started learning about Mr. Brummell. Thanks!
We still use the phrase …..jim dandy to describe a fellow
I had forgotten about that term. I couldn’t help but look it up: https://www.etymonline.com/word/jim-dandy
jim-dandy (n.)
"remarkable person or thing," 1844
I seem to remember the phrase “that’s just dandy” as a sarcastic comment.